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Editing Services

Developmental Editing

I will read your entire manuscript and provide detailed feedback at the end regarding plot and any plot holes, character development, pacing, point of view, dialogue and other high-level issues as needed. This level of editing does not include grammatical corrections. When I finish reading your manuscript, I will send you a separate document with my feedback.

Line Editing

I will read your entire manuscript and make edits and comments for style, sentence flow/structure, and word choice, and I proofread for grammar and punctuation. I use track changes in Word to make my edits and send you back the Word document.

First Chapter Critique

Need eyes on just your first chapter? With a First Chapter Critique, I'll provide you line edits/comments as well as a developmental critique of your opening chapter. I'll analyze how well it grabs me as a reader and how your characters come across, as well as providing suggestions for making a bigger splash with the beginning of your book or story.

Special Requests

Do you need just a proofread for typos? A package deal for developmental and line editing? Message me using the form on my Contact page for details and pricing!

Nonfiction/Academic Editing

I also provide editing services for nonfiction and academic works. Please contact me with details regarding your project.